The Summer Solstice

Hiwassee Island, Tennessee

Hiwassee Island was created by the confluence of the Hiwassee and Tennessee Rivers . . . now substantially widened by Chickamauga Lake. On Hiwassee Island was found absolute proof that the Kaushete (Upper Creek) Migration Legend is based on factual events. I found the original manuscript of the (so-called) Creek Migration Legend in 2015, in the storage room of the library of Lambeth Palace in London, England.

Tennessee archaeologists don’t know this, but the sophisticated red-on-buff pottery that suddenly appeared on Hiwassee Island around 1350 AD is identical to the red-on-buff pottery produced by the Toltec ancestors of the Upper Creeks in the vicinity of the Orizaba Volcano! That volcano was the starting point of this migration legend and the original source of the sacred fires burning even today in the Muskogee Creek Nation.

The Tapestry of Life has so many “ifs!” After finishing my on-site studies of the “Olmec” Civilization sites in southern Vera Cruz at Pyramide El Fortin, I was supposed to head by bus directly to northern Veracruz to study the Totonac Civilization. However, I heard from a French archaeologist that Dr. Román Piña Chan had been fired by the new evil President of Mexico, Luis Echeverría Álvarez.

I had accumulated many plastic bags of artifacts from the surface of unexcavated town sites in eastern Campeche, while exploring the jungle with Ana Rojas. My agreement with Relaciones Culturales stated that Dr. Piña Chan must personally inspect and approve each artifact that was to be shipped under diplomatic seal to Atlanta. It was imperative that I meet with him before he left the museum. I got off the north bound bus at Cordoba and took a local bus to Orizaba to catch the express bus to Mexico City.

Of course, I had no clue that I was now in the homeland of the Upper Creeks, but Orizaba had several fine museums. The red-on-buff pottery of the aboriginal Toltecas de Chontales caught my eye. It was very different than any other pottery I had seen in Mexico.

Thus, 30 years later when I saw the same pottery at the McClung Museum in Knoxville, TN, I said “Shee-zam!” Later on, I learned that this style of pottery can be found everywhere in the Georgia Mountains and NE Alabama, where the Upper Creeks originally lived.

And now for the rest of the story

In the previous article about Los Angeles Negros and Alicia, I mentioned that Alicia learned at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City that she could become an American citizen merely by standing on solid ground in Atlanta and stating that she was an American citizen. She was then directed to apply for a job at the Eastern Airlines office in Mexico City.

Five years later, I learned that both at the embassy and at Eastern Airlines, Alicia was actually talking to CIA operatives. Naval Intelligence considered us ideal candidates for becoming a Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I certainly would not have complained being paired with a hot tamale with a borderline genius IQ, who loved me dearly.

It was the CIA who would have paid for Alicia’s Masters degree and Doctorate, not Eastern Airlines. It was also planned that with the endorsement again of Dr. Arthur Kelly, I would get a scholarship for obtaining a PhD in either Archaeology or Historic Preservation at the same time and university, where she was studying for a PhD in International Affairs. We then would have the perfect cover for traveling all over Latin America.

Alicia being kidnapped messed up everything. The Tapestry of Life does have many alternative twists and turns.

Happy Poskita!


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