Are two men playing the role of the President of the United States?

News reporters in Atlanta are totally Kornfuzed, but their observations are not being told to the public in the national news.

This image is not “Photo-Shopped”. The photo was taken with a smart phone by an employee of this Waffle House only minutes after the nationally-televised debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It then was posted online. There are dozens of similar photos online taken by Waffle House customers and employees. Just Google Joe Biden – Atlanta – Waffle House.

One of my professional specialties, while practicing architecture in Northern Virginia was the design of special residential care facilities for patients in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, brain damage from accidents or Parkinson’s Disease. After designing several, either new facilities or wings for existing nursing homes, I had seen it all.

The Joe Biden that I saw on the TV screen during the debate appeared to me to be in an advanced stage of Parkinson’s Disease. A pasty, white complexion, stiff gait, holding the mouth open constantly and starring into space are symptoms that a patient could die at any time. Since he did not look that way, while speaking in Atlanta two weeks earlier, I assumed that he had forgotten to take his medications or some mole had slipped placebos in his medicine bottle.

Local reporters followed the Biden caravan after the debate, as it headed to Dobbins Air Force Base. They were astonished to see a jovial, animated Joe and Jill Biden step out of his armored car to dine at a Waffle House!

The Joe Biden, who went into the Waffle House seemed to be a different person than the one on the stage minutes earlier. His voice was clear and he was no longer speaking haltingly. As you can see in the photo, his complexion looked healthy and his smile looks normal. Parkinson’s patients have trouble smiling due to lack of muscular control of their face.

The following day, President Biden was in Raleigh, NC and presided over one of his most animated rallies ever. His voice was clear and strong. That seems impossible. Even Parkinson’s Disease medications cannot result in such dramatic improvements in only 12 hours.

The reporters have no explanation. I have no explanation. The contrast in the Waffle House. only minutes after Biden’s sickly appearance on national TV, is totally bizarre. I am just letting the public know that something is not as it seems. The American public has been fooled before.

It has now been proven that Abraham Lincoln’s enemies in the Cabinet facilitated his assassination and could have stopped it. Mrs. Surratt was muzzled then hung by the US Government, because she could have verified that Union Army agents were part of the conspirators coming to her boarding house. The official story of John Kennedy’s assassination has never made sense. Witnesses saw US Army sharpshooters kill Rev. Martin Luther King . . . etc.

In a way, I have a personal connection with President Biden. After I returned from working in Sweden and then traveling all over Europe, I was invited to socialize with the Carter family one crisp, sunny Saturday in February 1973. The United States did not have diplomatic relations with Sweden at the time. Also, because of Jimmy’s connections with the U.S. Navy, he knew that I had been immediately dispatched to Munich, when the Black September Terrorist Attack began at the Munich Olympics. Jimmy wanted to know about life in Sweden and what it was like to be there at Ground Zero, during the three day tragedy at Munich.

A 30-year old Senator Joe Biden popped into our informal soiree with his nephew. Jimmy introduced me as a future governor or senator of Georgia. (Too late for that! LOL) Joe stuttered a lot, because it was only six weeks, after his wife and child had been killed in an auto accident.

We listened to Southern Rock music in the garage apartment of the Governor’s Mansion for about an hour, then Joe stutteringly asked Jimmy, if they could meet in private. Jimmy said, “No, these young folks need to see how things happen in our nation.”

Joe then announced that he was there on behalf of the Democratic National Committee to ask Jimmy to run for national office. He didn’t use the word “president” at the time. As you can imagine, my brain said “sheezam!” However, I assumed that Jimmy didn’t have a chance, since he was young, not particularly wealthy and was a Southerner.

My immediate impression of Joe Biden was that he was very sincere, decent, compassionate man, but for a US Senator, rather naïve, when compared to me, even though I was much younger. I had extraordinary experiences in Meso-America, when surviving on an uninhabited island in the Atlantic Ocean and then in Europe. He had gone straight from college to marriage to a political career. Only three months earlier he had just been a young district attorney in Delaware.

The Biden Family only days before his wife and the baby died in an accident

Why contemporary history is also Native American History

Eastern Creek/Seminole Indians are neither extinct nor do we practice obsolete cultural values. We partially assimilated into our communities, but maintained our core values, while competing with everyone else in the classroom and on the athletic field.

We have continued to play important roles in American History over the past three centuries. My Creek gggg-grandfathers signed treaties with Great Britain then help guard the Georgia frontier from attacks by Cherokee war parties and Tory guerilla bands. You were viewing my gg-grandfathers and one g-grandfather, when the movie “Gods and Generals” featured Cobb’s Legion in the Battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. One of my great uncles was with the 101st Airborne Division at the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. My “State Teacher of the Year” Mother fought to put accurate history in the state’s official textbook. I was a key cast member in the History Channel program, which proved that the Mayas had come to Georgia and Florida for many centuries.

And the beat goes on.

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