The eternal cycle of life begins anew!

by Richard L. Thornton, Architect & City Planner

Nyköping symbols on the Track Rock Petroglyphs in Georgia

One of the most amazing discoveries that we have made in the Georgia Mountains during the past two years is that this particular petroglyphic symbol was first carved on a boulder in Nyköping, Sweden around 2000 BC . . . then appeared in abundance at petroglyphic sites in the Georgia Mountains . . . then LATER became one of the earliest recognizable Maya glyphs. Many other glyphs from Nyköping and the Georgia Mountains soon were incorporated into the earliest Maya writing system then were elaborated. I have painted white elastomer on parts of this Georgia rock carving so viewers could make out the details.

During the winter months, I devoted most of my research energies to translating several hundred “indigenous” geographical and tribal names in the Southeastern United States. The results were astonishing. Eighteen distinct languages are origins of these words. There are many Indo-European root words in the Creek languages. The Creek word for medical doctor and medicinal herbs were the exact words used by the ancestors of the English in southern Scandinavia around 500 AD. There are several basic words in the Algonquian and Cherokee languages, which are used today in Irish & Scottish Gaelic. Obviously, mixing of peoples occurred in the past.

This discovery suggests that the earliest Bronze Age civilization in Scandinavia was created by an Asiatic people, who then migrated along the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean then island hopped until they reached southern Mexico and Central America. That would explain why Maya traders would know where to go in southeastern North America to obtain the vast quantities of mica, attapulgite and gold demanded by the explosion of their civilization.

In fact, this theory perfectly matches the Maya Migration Legend. According to their cultural memory, the ancestors of the Maya lived in a land of ice and snow, where they were persecuted by giants. Remember the Nordic Peoples also have a cultural memory of “Ice Giants.” The ancestors of the Mayas began traveling southward along the eastern edge of North America, paddled from island to island then settled in a tropical land, where there was no snow.

Thanks to the generosity of several patrons, including my sister, I now have state-of-the-art technology and software with which to analyze ancient architectural ruins. Now that I have finished translating the ancient words, we will be moving back into the field and applying this technology toward the unraveling of many mysteries from the past. I hope that you enjoy that journey.


  1. Richard, I for one can’t wait to hear about the exciting, fascinating, interesting new history breakthroughs that you will discover with your new state-of-the-art technology. I thank you and your helpers for your years of compiling the Truths that are out there and writing articles to keep us informed about your discoveries. Most Awesome in my opinion.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Giants could be a cultural memory of the Bell Beaker (notoriously large) invading Scandinavia and the isles. Do you think intermixing with that population gave the proto-creeks their large stature or would that be from intermixing with the Paracas group which it seems likely came across the Pacific?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Upper Creeks ARE the Tekesta (Toltec) giants of Mexico. Several other tribal branches of the Creek Confederacy are also descendants of the tall people of Mexico. For all we know, the giants in Scandinavia could have been the same ethnic group as the giants in Mexico and Peru.

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  3. Richard, It appears more every day your friends will be finding connections to many Sea fairing civilizations connected to this landmass. That Tugaloo stone art is a connection not only to Sweden but also “very ancient” Egypt. For some reason a real “Indianan Jones” cover up about Giants/ Egyptian / verdic- India artworks has occurred in this country and Europa. Real Giants 8-9 did exist… that appears to be the noted on the Tugaloo stone likely connected to Sardinia giants.


  4. What a great article. As always. I am trying to catch up on my reading of your articles! I read the course assignment with my students during the day teaching English and Spanish that I usually do not do a lot of reading when I am home. The shelter-in-place situation would have given me more time to read but I got sick! I decided to use some time today dumping out my email inbox and was amazed at how much of your writing I have missed.

    I had no idea that this journey into history was going to be so remarkable and intricately attached to my own history! When I started reading your work, I was simply trying to figure out where my great-grandmother’s tribe had been located. Your maps helped me solve that but not until I had been hooked into your quest to solve such an intricate historical puzzle.

    I’m not glad that schools are closed due to the COVID-19 issues, but for the next few weeks, I plan to use my newly freed-up schedule to catch up on my “Americas Revealed” reading. Plus, since I forwarded your “plant a garden” email to my family, I will most likely get busy preparing for planting. While living here in Saint Johns, AZ, I have had a productive garden for many years. For the past 2 years, I skipped it. However, you have encouraged me for this year. May 15 is when the locals plant because it is when the irrigations become available. But it can freeze into May here and the season is very short. Water and planting is a common topic of conversation here and a few months ago I was chatting with a man at a funeral luncheon who he told me that his people did not use the May 15 deadline but planted the day after the first sighting of a stink bug! He said the bugs stay down if the land is too cold and do not come up until winter is over. I am giving it a try!

    Having grown up along the Chattahoochee River, living in the desert has been a challenge for me. I wish I had learned more about gardening when I lived with such an abundance of vegetation around me. As a child when I would walk down to the river to play, there were huckleberries, scuppernongs, blackberries, plums, pecans, walnuts and more all throughout the area. I had planned to move to the river upon my “retirement” in June. Those retirement plans have changed and instead of the banks of the Chattahoochee, I will be moving into a Granny Flat in La Mesa, CA at my sons and there is actually room and nice soil plus orange trees!

    Your article was invigorating. I just happened to be traveling during the time that the COVID-19 issues broke out. I rerouted one set of flights to avoid an hours-long layover in the San Fransisco airport, but on my return trip from my daughter’s home in Dallas, the last little leg of the trip was on a small jet from Phoenix to Show Low, AZ and 7 of the 8 seats were occupied. Social distancing had not even officially been mentioned until I returned. The next day I was sick and spent time watching the news. I am almost back to my old self now, but we are definitely ok with sheltering in place in our little town of hermits.

    Joy to you, Carol

    On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 5:58 AM The Americas Revealed wrote:

    > alekmountain posted: ” by Richard L. Thornton, Architect & City Planner > Nyköping symbols on the Track Rock Petroglyphs in Georgia One of the most > amazing discoveries that we have made in the Georgia Mountains during the > past two years is that this particular petrogly” >


    1. Carol Joy . . . you need water? I’ve got water! For two months we have had rain 5-7 days a week. I just sent you 1000 gallons on FedEX overnight express COD. Hope that will get your garden growing sooner. Seriously, plant a garden, this year is going to be chaotic, to say the least. Beans contain a lot of nutrition and can be stored without refrigeration. I also have a device that dries fruits and vegetable, so I store a lot of tomatoes, apples and peaches, when they are in abundance.


  5. Another dazzling post! As to foundation of Maya by people from land of ice and snow, the earliest period of Central American history is called the Votanic Age (i.e. founded by Wotan/Odin). Here’s a snippet from chap. 5 “The Odin Gene” from my forthcoming book Cherokee DNA Studies II: More Real People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong… Is Woden-Odin, the all-father god of the Scandinavians and other northern Germanic peoples, the same as Votan, the “populator of America” in Maya and other Central American legends? Certainly, the ethnographer Alexander von Humboldt (1767-1835) equated the two. Spanish antiquarians and early Americanists like Hubert Howe Bancroft (1767-1835) speak of the Votanic Age as the period that preceded the Toltec.

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  6. Actually, it is quite obvious that Nordic peoples kicked off Mexican civilization at Tepotzlan in the Copper Mountains. The petroglyphs in the Sierra de Cobre are identical to those in the Etowah Valley of Georgia and southern Sweden. The Westvold Petroglyphs in Norway include an engraving of Totonac Volodores – the guys who spin around a pole, while one man sits on top, playing a flute.


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