Please buy my books from the publisher, not from Amazon!

I have published 18 books on architectural history, Native American history, Georgia history and guides to archaeological sites in the past 20 years. Under the new profit structure set by international retailers about a year ago, I am receiving next to nothing or no income, when you buy my book from Amazon at inflated prices.

The increased profit, demanded by Amazon, also included a mandatory reduction in paper and ink quality. Cheaply printed books weigh less, so are microscopically less expensive to ship. People buy my books for the full color architectural illustrations and original photographs. I always insisted on archival quality paper and the best quality inks. Thus, my newest books are not even accepted by Amazon. That’s fine with me.

The publisher also has plants in Europe, Latin America, Eastern Asia and Australia, so international orders will also save on shipping costs. During the past year, my book sales went up 23%, while my income from book sales dropped 61% . That says it all. You may purchase my books directly from the publisher at this website:

Thank you!

Richard L, Thornton

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