A Cinco de Mayo musical gift from South of the Border

Here is a musical gift from South of the Border to celebrate Cinco de Maya. This is my favorite Maya band. They are Highland Mayas . . . hence the reason that they strongly resemble Eastern Creeks, Florida Seminoles and Miccosukee. All of my Native American DNA is from the Southern Mesoamerican Highlands, so I guess we are extremely distant cousins. These gentlemen make their own instruments and only perform Maya style music. Most of what is called “Mystical Maya Music” on Youtube is New Age Junk.



  1. Happy Cinco de Mayo, a Texas holiday for the nation. Texas-born Gen. Zaragoza and an army of 2,000 American Indians, mostly farmers, whipped 50,000 of Europe’s best troops.

    Still hoping to see Apocalypto 2. Donno why they claim the Mayan were defeated. They lost city-states, not nations. Quintana Roo Mayans have told me is still mostly free. Soros’ company built a research lab there, to develop new maize varieties. Mexico probably hoped to reenact the planned famine they cause with the Tarahumara. But, accidents happen and the facility was burned to the ground (thank You, Old Father!). Since then, Bayer (now owns Monsanto) has lost one case after another to build in Mexico.


  2. The music is really beautiful, and I loved seeing the bird flutes. I have seen ancient examples in museums and so admire these musicians for keeping their true culture alive. Thank you for the video. MJ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are quite welcome, my good friend from the neighborhood . . . so long ago. Back when we were riding the school bus together, did you ever dream that you would be sending comments about Maya music to me on the internet. Heck, we couldn’t have dreamed the possibility back then of personal computers and cellular phones! 


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