Author James Loewen has become my guardian angel!

I have no debts or mortgage, yet again, the Boss Hogg’s of Northeast Georgia are trying to drive a Native American leader out of Habersham County! Yesterday, a man and his daughter arrogantly came by to pick out a site for her doll house, after he and his girlfriend steal my house . . . or does someone have something more lethal in mind?

In the spring of 2013, Jim and Susan Loewen took the Amtrak train down to Atlanta then rented a car to spend a weekend with me in Dahlonega, GA. Outraged at how the rabid Boss Hogg’s, who control northern Georgia, had robbed me of most of my assets then managed to paint me as a pariah on society, Jim offered to develop my writing skills into a potent weapon against them.

He raged, “I can’t believe our tax money supported this nonsense for years. Richard, you should be living in a beautiful house that you designed with a loving, intelligent wife . . . and be an esteemed professor at Georgia Tech . . . not constantly fighting off Georgia Crackers to barely survive.”

If my 3,776 followers on LinkedIN like the legion of research articles, educational videos on Youtube and frequent posts on LinkedIn that I have produced since then, you can thank Jim and Susan Loewen. I am certain that he is up there in heaven right now, watching me with binoculars to stave off this next attack from “the People of the Lie” as he called them.

Image Above: That painting of George Washington above is at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers in Harpers Ferry . . . the exact spot where in September 1991, Vivi the French Securite’ agent, Susan the FBI agent and I smoked peace pipes, conducted a Tamulte Maya wedding ceremony, then agreed to be soulmates forever . . . a dramatic scene in my book, The Shenandoah Chronicles. Vivi is 1/4th Tamulte Maya. We all met while assisting the US Department of Justice Task Force on State and Local Government Corruption. I was subsequently placed in the Federal Witness Protection Program.

Susan Loewen at the Corcoran Museum in Washington, DC

There they go again

I am certain that my readers would much rather see pretty architectural renderings and fascinating research reports, but the truth is that I would not be writing anything had not Jim Loewen chewed me out for being too nice and offered to develop my writing style to a world class level. He demanded that any time that the “locals” in North Georgia again committed a crime or attempted to commit a crime against me, that I was to immediately put it in writing in a national media . . . but in such a manner that the public would find it entertaining.

So, here we go again. About a month ago, I was picking up fallen limbs after a storm in my side yard. A young women in a white compact car slowly drove past my property . . . put a small dog out on the edge of my property then put the dog back into the car at the other end of my property’s street frontage. She then stepped out of her car again . . . this time near me . . . with a phone and deluded herself into thinking that she was an actress on TV. She shouted on the phone (I guess to someone in law enforcement) “It’s him! It’s him! I see him right now!” She then drove off.

I traced the car to a house down the street in our subdivision where something like 6-12 adults & children illegally live together. We have R-1 zoning. The numbers vary as girlfriends come and go.

Since then someone has been turning into my driveway and knocking over a stone wall that I built. They also sprayed herbicide into my blueberry orchard from the driveway. In recent weeks, law enforcement has kept me under surveillance from two of my neighbors’ houses.

I couldn’t figure out what possibly the local gendarmes could have conceived that I could have done. I have been working long, long hours in my garden during spring planting and on the computer, creating amazing three dimensional CADD figures in authentic historical costumes for museum exhibits.

Earlier this spring, the city attorney in Cleveland, GA in a county where I have never lived, had me investigated for being a shop-lifter. The grounds for demanding an investigation from the Cleveland Police was that I was a Democrat and didn’t believe that Donald, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, was the Messiah, who had been sent by God to destroy the evil institutions of happiness and democracy. Yet, I was able to obtain food and was not in debt to anybody. I was obviously stealing the food.

Out of uniform White County cops followed me around everywhere, including inside stores. Two of them apologized afterward. Even when I went three weeks in 2009 with absolutely no money, or in 2010, when I was living in a tent, I never broke any law, whatsoever.

Yesterday, the self-styled actresses’ boyfriend came by slowly in his white pickup with a little girl sitting in the bed of the truck. He didn’t see me pulling weeds from my azalea beds in the front courtyard.

I was astounded to hear him say. “This is the house that we are moving to.”

I thought perhaps that I had misunderstood him. Then he stopped in front of my driveway to see if my car was there. The little girl stood up in the truck bed and shouted, “Can I have a doll house?” He responded, “Yes, the deputies said that we were going to get a lot of money!” The little girl pointed to a grassy knoll above my garden and shouted, “I want it to be there.”

Deja vu

In 2017, the online magazine of the Prosecutors Council of Georgia published a case law analysis about a lady in Georgia, who discovered an obscure law creating the office of Special Investigator and Prosecutor. It legalized the designation of a non-attorney to serve in this position. Once appointed by the county sheriff, this person could make arrests and would hold that temporary office until he or she presented the charges to a grand jury.

This business-woman in South Georgia used the position of Special Investigator to have a man arrested, who had embezzled money from her business. The District Attorney had refused to take the case. She learned that the DA had political and social connections with the embezzler.

The woman lost the case in court. The embezzler then sued her for false imprisonment and slander. The judge gave him virtually everything that the woman owned.

When informed by Lumpkin County Sheriff in April 2018 that I was moving from Lumpkin County to Habersham County, GA the following month, Mountain Area District Attorney George Christian and Habersham County Asst. District Attorney J. Edward Staples, concocted a scheme to use this archaic Special Investigator law to yet again steal my house from me and yet again, leave me penniless. The first stage of the scheme was to get a parolee working in construction to impersonate a general contractor, who had the same name.

About two weeks prior to me closing on the house, the DA office made a presentation to the staff of the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office of their plan to drive me out of the county. In addition to the scheme to steal my house, deputies were to spread false rumors that I was simultaneously a gay male prostitute, a child molester and a predator of young women. (all total lies) Several honest law enforcement officers objected that the plan was in total violation of every aspect of the oath they made as deputy sheriffs. Nevertheless, the deputies as a whole agreed to go along with the scheme.

The fake contractor signed a contract with me under the name of the real contractor – who had a good reputation. He absconded with the retainer check and never came on site. He made a mistake in bragging to me on the phone that he was going to have one big birthday party on the next Saturday. He laughed that there was nothing I could do about it because the cops were protecting him.

The highly respected, Habersham County School Resources Officer, Patrick Mayfield

I filed a criminal complaint. Instead of sending a detective, the Habersham Sheriff’s Department sent out Deputy Patrick Mayfield, a School Resources Officer, to write up the crime report. As an afterthought I mentioned that I had been smelling the odor of meth being brewed from a property to the south of me. Whenever the odor ended, I was seeing the same pickups and drivers go down their driveway. Deputy Mayfield asked me to get their license plate numbers.

I did. Deputy Mayfield came back to my house. He freaked out when he read the descriptions of the pickups. They belonged to senior administrative officers of the Habersham Sheriff’s Dept. He gave me his personal cellular number. However, he died “unexpectedly” (as the newspaper said) the following July 4th.

A few days after the initial visit by Deputy Mayfield, the sheriff’s office called to tell me that I could pick up the crime report. Once there I was told that even though the fake contractor had forged a signature on the construction contract and my check (a federal and state crime) and had never started work, the district attorney’s office had refused to take the case. I would have to carry the crime report myself to the Magistrate’s Court in the courthouse then file a civil suit. I thought that was odd.

The Magistrate’s Court refused to accept the crime report because the Habersham Detectives had intentionally filled it out improperly. I went back to the Sheriff’s Dept. twice. The detectives said that they were too busy to bother with finishing the crime report. On the third visit, they handed me a document from the Sheriff, designating me to be a Special Investigator and Prosecutor.

Charles Holloway’s name was on the construction document and the check endorsement, but the signatures were very different. Note the driver’s license number under the endorsement.

A different person had endorsed my check than the person who signed the construction contract. The bank had put his drivers license number under his signature, since he was not a customer of United Community Bank. On the fourth visit to the Sheriff’s Dept, its staff refused to look up the drivers license number of the forged signature. They said that the staff was too busy. Of course, any time your car is stopped by a cop, he or she immediately types the number into a computer system. It takes about 12 seconds.

The District Attorney’s Office and Habersham County Sherriff’s Department expected me to have the fake contractor (a parolee) arrested. He would be able to prove that he did not cash my check then a law firm in Habersham County would sue me for everything I had. Bad mistake . . . friends may recall that the CIA in 2011 wanted to fly me up to Washington the very next day to start work, after I scored off the charts on the CIA Aptitude Exam. However, the Night Desk Officer could not get a waiver over me being over the age of 40.

A vice-president of United Community Bank contacted the Sheriff’s Dept. and the DA and asked them to prosecute my case, but they declined. I smelled a rat and so merely documented my investigation for friends at the federal level. It was tough, but I instead did all of the restoration on my house by myself. Never got my money back.

Homeland Security said that they had a chat with the Sheriff and I would not be harassed again. However, things began getting nasty again when the case against Trump for trying to change Georgia’s election results heated up. That being said . . . Never in a million years did I imagine that six years later, the good “white Christian” folks in Habersham would still be trying to steal my house and chase me out of the county . . . or worse.


  1. Lawdy lawdy! You been dealing with some stuff and obviously got run around to wear you out. Shouldn’t really be this much trouble for just wanting to live one’s life and a peaceful life! Sadly anymore, the media has been co-opted and finding hard hitting journos is next to impossible. Our local newspaper owned by USA Today and every adult there has the writing abilities of average grade schoolers. They walk around either acting like they all received the same gold trophies or simply are 100% in bed with City Hall and never rock the cart and cower from real issues, real stories. I don’t even bother with them when it comes to anything important. It’s no good to be a citizen with worthy stories or causes and as you know, the smaller that town gets, the less Pulitzer it is. Wasn’t always that way or far less! Glad you’re putting the information here all of the same!

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